Page name: EVE Tournament 3 - Round 1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-18 05:18:32
Last author: Stray Kitty
Owner: Perplexity
# of watchers: 21
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Everyone vs. Elftown

EVE Tournament 3


Start Date: November 9th, 2006 End Date: November 16th, 2006


[Channy] vs. [deeterhi]: Happy family that isn't human

<img300*0:stuff/C%3ADocuments%20and%20SettingsOwnerMy%20DocumentsMy%20Picturesmoogles.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/deeterhi_zombiefamily.jpg>

[Sunny Silverunicorn] vs. [Dil*]: Animal of your own creation

<img300*0:stuff/ss-t3r1-gazagle.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/C%3ACarrie%27s%20Crapgrasscreature.jpg>


[stuffAEAmade] vs. [Stray Kitty]: Happy Family that isn't human

<img300*0:stuff/dar_happyfamily.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/centars.jpg>

[Kyrinn] vs. [Elegy - gone]: Happy family that isn't human

<img300*0:stuff/PlaytimeEVEentryKyrinn.png> <img300*0:stuff/elegy_tour3round1.jpg>

Water woman, earth/rock man, and their offspring, mud child.


[dilandau] vs. [Lothuriel]: Nightmare

<img300*0:stuff/dilandausnightmare.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/3spamevenightmare.jpg>

[Mom] vs. [Elisha Kelly]: Strange hairdos

<img300*0:stuff/F%3Ahair.jpg>  <img300*0:stuff/Elys_hairstyles.jpg>

[Shjahjdahdvwa] vs. [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: Facial expressions

<img300*0:stuff/facialexpressionangerrepulse.jpg> <img:stuff/cross-eyed1.gifS.jpg>

[Iron-Man-429] vs. [Ronan Callaghan]: Animal of your own creation

<img300*0:> <img300*0:>

EVE DIrectory

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2006-11-09 [dilandau]: would it be totally wrong if i drew Nightmare from soul calibur? lol  ...just kidding.

2006-11-09 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: YES!!! *starts working*

2006-11-09 [Elegy - gone]: Whoa, we'll be seeing a lot of non-human families this round O.o

2006-11-10 [Perplexity]: Yeah since that category is up so much, you will all have to really push yourselves to impress the judges. =9

2006-11-10 [Yuriona]: Just a reminder guys! If you have done cred earning stuff like advertising on your house or making a banner, ya gotta let me know in the EVE Creds & Accounts page so I can tally everything up! Also, don't forget to place your bets at The Gamblers Den!

2006-11-10 [Yuriona]: And if betting isn't your thing, be sure to check out the EVE Lottery! Could be your ticket to easy creds!

2006-11-11 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: ROFL! Awesome!

2006-11-11 [Lothuriel]: Oh, [Kyrinn] I just want to huggle them both to bits!!! I like the horns!

2006-11-11 [Kyrinn]: Thanks, Loth! :D I did in vellum, had to trace from the original becuase of a hole that got torn into it (argh) so it smudges like crazy, lol

2006-11-11 [Lothuriel]: My favorite thing to draw on when I am using pencil, is plain white card stock. It is awesome.

2006-11-11 [Kyrinn]: I have nice paper for it, but this sheet just tore. *grumps* vellum is really really nice but DAMN it smudges!! Even when I use the right pencils!

Nice [Elegy - gone]!!

2006-11-11 [Elegy - gone]: Right back at'cha ;)

2006-11-11 [Kyrinn]: *blushes* Thankies. I love the mud boy. :D

2006-11-11 [Elegy - gone]: Hehe, thanks... I had a really hard time thinking of something... I was actually going to go with unicorns, but now I'm very glad I didn't =P

2006-11-11 [Kyrinn]: LMAO! I dunno, that would have interesting.. ^^

2006-11-11 [Elegy - gone]: Hehe, maybe, but originality seems to count a lot in this competition, and with the same subject, none of us would have scored very high =P

2006-11-11 [Kyrinn]: Ahh, I see your point. But still, if we had both drawn the same subject, I think they could still say they were original ideas, just that the two competitors were on the same wavelength, lol

2006-11-11 [Elegy - gone]: Hehe, true =P and the judging would have been purely on skill, not on subject choice =P

2006-11-12 [stuffAEAmade]: There. Of course, I feel silly because I can't remember what they are called... =P
Nesting doll thingies...

2006-11-12 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: They're called Matryoshka :)

2006-11-12 [VeraAda]: And NOT babushka! Because that word means 'grandma'... i don't know HOW or WHY people call 'em that... MATRYOSHKA ALL THE WAY, BABY! >.<

2006-11-12 [iippo]: Well the ones I've seen do look like grannies with scarves. In Finnish it's called Matushka. o.O

2006-11-12 [stuffAEAmade]: Ahh. All I could remember was that it was Russian.

Great new entries! =D

2006-11-12 [Deadlock jester]: Down in ye olde flanders, it's Matroesjkas. Which is also a television series about prostitutes.

2006-11-12 [Lothuriel]: LOL...[stuffAEAmade], is that a family of weebles?

2006-11-12 [stuffAEAmade]: They're matryoshki nesting dolls. :3 But after looking up weebles, they could be, although I don't think they're balanced quite right.

2006-11-12 [Lothuriel]: Well, that was sort of a joke...hehe. I had read all of the comments before. I used to have a set of nesting dolls that came from Japan. The were kind of creepy. There is a cartoon now that my kids watch about these types of dolls. The hide inside of each other and put things in themselves. I can't think of the name of it but, it disturbs me, lol!

2006-11-12 [Lothuriel]: Ack..."The baby kicked" reminds me of an book I read by John Saul many many years ago

2006-11-12 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: [deeterhi] WOOW!!!!

2006-11-12 [Mom]: I think I better get started...=\

2006-11-12 [Perplexity]: All the entries are really fantastic so far, everyone! Lothuriel, yours is so cute ^^ and deeterhi, you nearly made me spray hot tea from my nose I laughed so hard!

2006-11-12 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: Mine is done. I will have it scanned tomorrow or tuesday

2006-11-12 [Lothuriel]: thank you very much [Perplexity]!

2006-11-12 [dilandau]: yeah the funny thing is that the baby kicked through her stomach and the mom seems so proud! lol

2006-11-13 [Hiro Kitaki]: hmmmm....

2006-11-13 [Yuriona]: Well they are zombies! ;)

2006-11-13 [Hiro Kitaki]: ...what ish this wiki about?

2006-11-13 [Yuriona]: O_o I think you'd better click the link and read the wiki before you say anything else so completely assinine.

2006-11-13 [dilandau]: i'll give her face a ten and her assinine.

....sorry. ive watched the blue collar movies too much.

2006-11-13 [Yuriona]: *snickers*

2006-11-13 [Elisha Kelly]:  >.> erm.... finally some free time. i'll be doing mine today :P

2006-11-14 [Iron-Man-429]: sigh I guess ill try to get mine up tonight.

2006-11-14 [Elisha Kelly]: hmmmm not as strange as they could be... but you get that :D

2006-11-14 [Iron-Man-429]: oh very cool

2006-11-14 [Mom]: I think I have put this off long enough.DOH!

2006-11-14 [dilandau]: when i heard strange hairdos i never expected to see a crotch-do. lol

2006-11-14 [Elisha Kelly]: :P well apparently it's all the rage at the moment XP

2006-11-14 [Yuriona]: I think my fav still was the girl who dyed her snatch green then had a tattoo above it 'keep off the grass'. LOL!

2006-11-14 [Elisha Kelly]: *giggles* that would be pretty funny XD

2006-11-14 [Yuriona]: Or another similar one only the tattoo was a guy with a lawnmower! XD

2006-11-14 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: sorry for the delay [Shjahjdahdvwa] had revision!

2006-11-14 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: ahem, edit da size a little!!!

2006-11-14 [Elegy - gone]: Next time, edit it yourself =P

2006-11-14 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: thats what I'm doing!

2006-11-14 [Elegy - gone]: Oh, fine, but you could have just kept it since it was thumbnailed and all, y'know. The bigger it is the more details there is to judge from.

2006-11-14 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: ahh, whoops, I'll do that as my new one has holes in it!

2006-11-14 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: tada!!! done!!!!!! sorry for that!

2006-11-14 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: omfg they look so similar :S lol

2006-11-14 [dilandau]: well i'm finally done. did sorta a demon feeding off of dreams and causing nightmares kinda thing. 

2006-11-14 [Iron-Man-429]: Ill have mine up in a few minutes

2006-11-14 [Iron-Man-429]: Boom! Pic's up now

2006-11-15 [Mom]: Huh....I am trying to get done. *Pulls out hair*

2006-11-16 [Ronan Callaghan]: Geez...It took me maybe 45 minutes to get my picture done

2006-11-16 [dilandau]: mine took about 3 hours i think. maybe 4....of course thats not including the sketches

2006-11-16 [Kyrinn]: O.o I dont think it really matters how much time it took to make them. *shrug*

2006-11-16 [Elisha Kelly]: yeah... so stop boasting *Shakes fist*   >:P

2006-11-16 [Kyrinn]: I second that.

2006-11-16 [Elisha Kelly]: *pounce huggles slobbers [Kyrinn]*

2006-11-16 [Kyrinn]: Wheeee!!! *is slobbered on* Awwwww you missed me didnt you!! *scratches behind the ear*

2006-11-16 [Kyrinn]: Hey, it says [Channy] was the last person to edit the page, but I dont see anything. ;_;

2006-11-16 [Elisha Kelly]: *purs in a bunny like way* she added [Mom]'s entry.

2006-11-16 [Kyrinn]: Ahhhh okay..

2006-11-17 [Channy]: posting mine now :3

2006-11-17 [Channy]: bleh. to see it even remotely clearly, click it -.-;

2006-11-17 [Lothuriel]: I love it [Channy]!!!

2006-11-17 [Channy]: Eeeeee ^_^

2006-11-17 [Lothuriel]: I have a thing for bunnies!!! Or, in this case bunny-like creatures.

2006-11-17 [Yuriona]: Just a warning guys: I'm gonna be offline until Monday sometime so if ya got any bets for the Gamblers Den get 'em to me now. Also, the winner for the EVE Lottery (if any) will be posted when I get back. Good luck everybody! XD

2006-11-17 [dilandau]: Moogles! lol kupo.

2006-11-19 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: hmm :-/

2006-11-20 [Mom]: Hmmm...the 20th and it seems everyone has disappeared.

2006-11-20 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: for real :s

2006-11-20 [Elegy - gone]: I think the ones running this have been disappeared for quite a while... no one closed the wiki the sixteenth so two of the entries were added after deadline =/

2006-11-20 [Shjahjdahdvwa]: perplexity is out since 4 days

2006-11-20 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: She's probably been gone for the weekend, hopefully she'll be around tomorrow.

2006-11-20 [Mom]: Last I heard was [Evilmonk] was down with the flu...I hope they are okay.=(

2006-11-20 [The Fuzzily Psychotic Llama is Dead]: Love the zombie drawing [deeterhi]. It's well funny!! ^_^

2006-11-20 [Perplexity]: Heyyyyy everyone, so very very sorry I have been neglecting to log in for the past few days. Yeah we both got sick and had to work still so it has been a rough spell for us. Thankfully, we are feeling better and ready to gorge on turkey this Thursday. I hope you can forgive the delays and I will message the judges pronto for their decisions. I was kind of hoping that they would have already messaged me, but I guess they needs to be prompted *gets cattle prod* ;) You'll all know the results as soon as I do, of course. Thank you again for your patience.

2006-11-20 [Lothuriel]: "got sick and had to work still"  I am right there with ya sister...

2006-11-21 [Iron-Man-429]: thats hard core there

2006-11-21 [Yuriona]: *already had the flu plus had to take care of two wee kids and husband when they got it AND clean & paint the house* No worries Plex. Being sick sucks ass especially when it knocks you on your butt for a few days.

2006-11-21 [Perplexity]: The worst part is not having an appetite... I loves my food. lol Okay, the judges have spoken! Here are the results, my friends:
Channy 0 votes, deeterhi 5 votes - deeterhi advances.
Sunny 4 votes, Dil* 1 vote - Sunny advances.
DKStudios 4 votes, Stray Kitty 1 vote - DK advances.
Kyrinn 3 votes, Elegy 2 votes - Kyrinn advances.
dilandau 1 vote, Lothuriel 4 votes - Lothuriel advances.
Mom 2 votes, Ely 3 votes - Ely advances.
Gato 4 votes, Fuzzy 1 vote - Gato advances.
Iron-Man 4 votes, Ronan 1 vote - Iron-Man advances.

Thank you to everyone who participated and congrats to those of you moving onto Round 2!

2006-11-21 [Kyrinn]: Whoa.. O.O I advanced.. *faints*

2006-11-21 [Yuriona]: Congrats!! *HUGS*

2006-11-21 [Mom]: Congradualtions everyone...*Relieved...can relax now*

2006-11-21 [Perplexity]: *gives Mom shoulder rubbings*

2006-11-21 [Cia_mar]: congrats to all those who advanced and a simple wowo for all of the entries .. i am sure that it was hard to pick .. i know i would have been having troube... you all did a great job... good luck for round 2

2006-11-21 [Elisha Kelly]: *gives [Mom] a hug* you were a worthy opponent :D

2006-11-21 [Cia_mar]: <img:img/mood/44166_1159940639.gif>
these are cool

2006-11-21 [Mom]: <img:img/mood/44166_1160062674.gif>I couldn't even come close to yours. I was surprised I got the votes I did. Good Luck on Part2...*HUGS*

2006-11-21 [Iron-Man-429]: Oh ya, in your face bro!

2006-11-21 [stuffAEAmade]: <img:img/mood/44166_1164145313.gif> omg advance!

2006-11-21 [Kyrinn]: I think Im up against you next, DKS...

2006-11-21 [Dil*]: congrats!

2006-11-22 [dilandau]: congrats loth. everyone else too :)

*cries* lol

2006-11-22 [Elisha Kelly]: *pounce huggles [Mom]* course you got votes... yours was kewl! I suck at hair, thats why I went for something a bit out there :P

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